SQL Server Guide
It only takes a few minutes to get started with Satori. What you need is:
- Access to the Satori Management Console.
- The hostname of your SQL Server data store, for example:
Adding a SQL Server Data Store to Satori
Perform the following steps to add an SQL Server data store to your Satori account:
- Login to the Satori Management Console.
- In the Data Stores view, click the plus button to add a new data store.
- Select the SQL Server option.
- Enter an informative name for the data store, for example: Sales Data Warehouse.
- Enter the hostname of your SQL database, for example:
. - Choose the public cloud provider and region for the Satori Data Access Controller.
- Click Create.
- Finally, you will be redirected to the Data Stores list view.
Enabling Satori Authentication
To enable your data consumers to use temp credentials and personal access tokens you must activate these features for each of your data stores.
- Go to the Data Stores view and select the SQL Serve data store.
- Click the Authentication Settings tab.
- Go to the Temporary Credentials section and turn on the Enable Satori Credentials Toggle switch.
- Enter the username and password used to connect to the data store. Satori stores credentials in an encrypted form.
- To enable Personal Access Tokens for the data store turn on the Enable personal access tokens for this data store toggle switch.
- Click SAVE.
Connect to SQL Server Database via Satori
To connect to an SQL Server database using Satori use the Satori hostname that was generated by the management console which can be found under Satori Hostname in the data store settings view, for example: abc123.us-east-1.a.s0.satoricyber.net
Connecting with the JDBC driver
To connect with the JDBC driver, override or add the host parameter in the JDBC URL. For example:
IMPORTANT NOTE: Unsecured connections are not supported (non-SSL driver option)
DRIVER SUPPORT: Satori support JDBC driver version 7.2 and higher, and you must ensure that you are using TLS version 1.2 and higher
Connecting with the sqlcmd Command Line Utility
Please use version 15 or higher of Microsoft Command Line Utilities.
To connect to SQL Server using sqlcmd you must use the -N
command line parameter to enable secured connection. For example:
sqlcmd -S abc123-cluster-cajcpwqzmvbb.us-east-1.a.p0.satoricyber.net -N -U john -P <john's password> -d <database name>
Connecting with the ODBC Driver
To connect with the ODBC driver, override the server
, database
and password
parameters in the ODBC URL. For example:
DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password + ';Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;
Note: unsecured connections are not supported (non-SSL driver option)
Connecting with Azure Data Studio
To Connect with Azure Data Studio, select Create a Connection with Server and set the Satori url, e.g.
and enter user name and password.
Note: unsecured connections are not supported, to enable secure connectivity verify the following settings are applied:
- advanced->security->Always Encrypted to Enabled
- advanced->security->Encryption to true
Connecting with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
To Connect with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, select Connect to Database Engine from File Menuv, and set Server name to the Satori url, e.g.
Select Authentication as SQL Server Authentication and enter user name and password.
NOTE: unsecured connections are not supported, to enable secure connectivity verify the following settings are applied: - Options->Connection->checkbox Encrypted connection
Connecting with Tableau Desktop
If you are attempting to use Microsoft Windows or Kerberos authentication against a MS SQL Server via Satori, ensure that you have the correct v17 ODBC driver from the Microsoft website: