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MySQL Guide

Learn more about the benefits of Satori for MySQL and Schedule a demo meeting


It only takes a few minutes to get started with Satori. What you need is: - Access to Satori's management console.

  • The hostname of your MySQL data store, for example:

Adding an MySQL Data Store to Satori

  1. Login to the Satori's management console.
  2. In the Data Stores view, click the plus button to add a new data store.
  3. Select the MySQL option.
  4. Enter an informative name for the data store, for example: Sales Data Warehouse.
  5. Enter the hostname of your MySQL server, for example:
  6. Satori will automatically choose the correct region.
  7. Click Create.
  8. Finally, you will be redirected to the Data Stores list view.

Connect to MySQL via Satori

To connect to MySQL using Satori use the Satori hostname that was generated by the management console which can be found under Satori Hostname in the data store settings view, for example:

IMPORTANT CONNECTION REQUIREMENT - To ensure that Satori is able to connect to the MySQL server ensure that you configure your connection parameters with the default database name.

TLS SNI Required

To connect to MySQL via Satori, the client application must support the Server Name Identification (SNI) extension of the Transport Level Security (TLS) protocol.

For clients that do not support the SNI extension, Satori can enable a custom dedicated port which overcomes the problem. The custom port number can be found in the data store setting in the management console.

You must specify the default database that you will be connected to in order to enable user authentication on MySQL.

Ensure that you use a username and a password for the authentication.

Connecting with the JDBC Driver

To connect with the JDBC driver, override or add the host parameter in the JDBC URL. For example: jdbc:mysql://

NOTE: that while 3306 is the default port you may need to specify a Satori custom port according to the TLS SNI requirements mentioned previously.

Connecting with the MySQL Command Line Utility

To connect to MySQL using the MySQL command line client, change the host parameter to the Satori generated hostname and use the custom dedicated port for your data store.

For example: mysql --user=user_name --database db_name –-host -—port 12340 —-ssl-mode=REQUIRED

NOTE: TLS SNI is not supported by MySQL CLI.

Connecting with the Python Connector

To connect to MySQL using mysql.connector change the host parameter to the Satori generated hostname and use the custom dedicated port for your data store.

For example: mysql.connector.connect(user=user-name, password=the-password, host='', database=the-db, port='12340')

Connecting with Looker

Looker uses the JDBC driver to connect to MySQL. Override the Remote Host:Port parameter with the Satori hostname.

For Example:

Connecting with Google Data Studio ("Looker Data Studio")

Data Studio requires a root CA SSL cert when connecting to MySQL databases. To connect tp Google data studio performthe following steps:

  1. Go to the Let's Encrypt website and download the self-signed PEM file for "ISRG Root X1".
  2. Use this certificate file in your connection.
  3. Make sure SSL is enabled.
  4. Use a custom SNI port for MySQL.

Connecting with Tableau

To connect to Satori MySQL hostnames using Tableau, first to start in Tableau Desktop. Tableau Server/Cloud currently does not support the specification of an SSL certificate. If you are using Tableau Desktop you can specify an SSL certificate and then publish it to your data connection on your workbook to Tableau Server/Cloud.

Tableau Desktop connections to Satori MySQL connections will require the root certificate from Let's Encrypt. Go to the Let's Encrypt website and download the self-signed PEM file for "ISRG Root X1".

  1. In your Tableau Connection for MySQL, enter your Satori hostname for the server field.
  2. Use a custom SNI port for MySQL, as configured in your Satori Datastore connection.
  3. Enter the desired database name.
  4. Use either a MySQL username, or your Satori credentials.
  5. Make sure SSL is enabled and that you have referenced the Let's Encrypt certificate from step 1.

The Tablleau SSL Connection

The connection should look like the following example: SSL CA - /users/yourname/downloads/isrgroot1.pem