AI Governance
and Security

Your business needs AI reliability. Yesterday. Go fast with Satori’s Data Security Platform.

Trusted by the world’s best data teams

A Data Security Platform To Win With AI

Organizations must move fast in their transition to become AI Ready. This needs to include proper governance, security, compliance and privacy. 

Data teams want to enable the business to become AI Ready, and while ensuring that AI models and usage are properly governed. With Satori’s Data Security Platform, you gain the visibility and policy enforcement that allows you to run fast with AI without losing control.

“You’re not truly AI-ready without robust data governance that ensures the protection of sensitive data and meets all compliance requirements.”

Sanjeev Mohan

Ex VP Data & Analytics, Gartner

AI and Data Compliance

Satori disarms compliance requirements out of the box. When you know where your sensitive data is, who can access it and why, and have complete control over sensitive data access, you’ll start loving compliance too.
“Instead of working for weeks on audits, we always have our data compliance reports ready. That’s why our team is the first to finish audits.“

Laura Peaslee

Director of Data Engineering, Kandji

“Satori’s service is a real game changer, providing both control and visibility over data compliance and security issues across multiple data stores.”

Arun K. Buduri

VP Engineering & IT, Innovaccer

AI Governance

Set the terms in which you want your LLM to access internal data for its different users. Satori will enforce these as dynamic security policies, including redacting sensitive data.

Fast AI Reliability

Moving fast with AI, you must still manage your data privacy and security risks. Satori helps you get the visibility and policy enforcement you need when building and maintaining AI models, as well as when AI engines are accessing your data.
“Using Satori enables us to move much faster with AI & analytics“

Matthew Deadman

Software Engineering Manager - Data Platform, Wealthsimple

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Key Capabilities

AI Security Enforcement

Set specific policies for your LLMs to ensure data remains protected even when users manage to circumvent restrictions.

LLM Activity Monitoring

Make sure user access to LLMs is properly managed, to prevent sensitive data exposure and other security risks.

Access Management

Automatic access management that simplifies permissions over all your diverse ML and BI stack, with complete RBAC and ABAC support.

Privacy Policies

Continuously classify and tag sensitive data and implement security and privacy policies dynamically.

How Satori Works

“With Satori’s Data Security Platform we enable access to sensitive data in a secure, controlled and audited way, thus ensuring we meet all our compliance and security requirements.”

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