Account Settings
The account settings view is where you configure account-level options such as SSO login, allowed IP addresses, and retrieve account-level information such as your account ID and name.
Basic Settings Tab
This is where you retrieve the basic settings of your Satori account.
Account Name - Used for the displa name in the management console. To change your account name you must open a support ticket.
Account ID - The unique identifier of your account. The account ID is sometimes used in API calls, and cannot be changed.
AWS External ID - This field is relevant only when integrating your Satori account with AWS.
Data Storage Location - This is where the audit logs are stored. The storage location is selected when creating the account and cannot be changed.
Learn More About Integrating with AWS
For more information about integrating with AWS, go to the section: Integrating with AWS
Data Portal Settings Tab
This is where you configure your organization's Data Portal global settings for your data consumers. These settings include, Temp Credentials expiration timeframes, Pre-defined Data Access Purposes for data consumers and whether you enable Personal Access Tokens (PATs).
Learn More About Data Portal Admin
To learn more about configuring the Data Portal go to the section called Data Portal Admin.
IP-Based Access Controls Tab
This is where you specify which IP addresses and subnet masks should be allowed access to the Satori management console and which IP addresses and subnet masks should be blocked.
Sigle Sign On (SAML) Settings Tab
This is where you configure SAML-based single sign-on (SSO) to Satori.
Learn More About Single Sign-On (SSO)
To learn more about single sign-on go to the Single Sign-On (SSO) section.
Account Custom Theme Tab
Satori lets you customize the user access request forms and the Data Portal Interface according to your organization's company theme. The customizable elements include company logo (png), primary and secondary colors.
Learn More About Customizing your Account Theme
To learn more about customizing your account go to the section called Customize the Data Portal Theme.
Notifications Settings Tab
Satori enables you to configure your accounts' user notification channels. You can create notifications for individual users or mailing lists as well as define the account level notification channel (email or Slack).
System Notifications
Satori enables you to configure notifications to help you monitor and maintain your DAC deployment. You can create notifications for individual users or mailing lists.
User Profile Notifications Settings
Each user can now set notification channels for receiving messages from Satori. The users can customize their own message channels according to their individual needs.
RESET NOTIFICATION CHANNELS: To reset the user notifications to the Admin Defaults the user must click the reset bottun located on the Notifications pane in their User Profile
Custom Email Address (Optional)
Satori sends email notifications to the initial signup email address. To send notifications to a different email address, specify the user attribute that contains the address.